Nachhaltigkeitsplattform Brandenburg

Democracy and Climate in Crisis I Three Perspectives

Veranstalter: Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg

In order to achieve a sustainable transformation, it is important to identify and utilise effective leverages. Systems theory distinguishes between strong and weak leverages, which O’Brien has categorised into different spheres for sustainable transformation – practical, political and personal sphere. The current problem is that most research, policies and measures to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis focus on actions, interventions, strategies and behaviours that directly contribute to a desired outcome (solar panels, reduced meat consumption, etc.). These measures can be categorised as „practical“. The danger here is that changes in the personal sphere are only implemented in the practical sphere.
Such an approach harbours the risk of stirring up resentment among the population, which is often used by populists to push through their agenda. A more effective starting point would be to involve individuals and groups in all three spheres of transformation – personal, political, practical.

The event will be held in English. The event is primarily aimed at scientists from the CCC network. It takes place as a side event of the What Works – Climate Solutions Summit.

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